Integrated Life-saving Response for the most vulnerable IDP, Returnees and Host Communities; Maifa’a Broom District of Hadramout Governorate
Reached Benificiaries:
men | women | boys | girls | Total |
1,458 | 1,517 | 2,186 | 2,276 | 7,437 |
(I) GBV survivors of women, men, girls, boys and other vulnerable have adequate access to information on protection issues displacement-related rights, availability of humanitarian assistance or feedback mechanisms in the two targeted districts. The available services providers are recognized and their capacities are built to assess, monitor and respond to the protection needs and risks. (II) GBV survivors and protection incidence cases from women, men, girls, boys and other vulnerable received specialized psychosocial support and protection cash assistance in the two targeted districts.
Most vulnerable targeted beneficiaries have improved adequate and sustainable access to life-saving protection assistance and services including PSS (collective and individual). Beneficiaries has access to established referral mechanism of services providers in line with the standards operating procedures in responding to GBV survivors and protection incidence cases of women, men, girls, boys of most vulnerable groups such as displaced families; living in camp like settlements, spontaneous settlement and collective centers; most vulnerable host communities newly displaced conflict induced IDPs; as well as the most vulnerable returnees in particular persons with specific needs including men, women, children, older persons, minorities or persons with disabilities. Youth of women and women has been capacitated as communities-based protection network (CBPNs) member.
Budget: $138,239.53
Donor: For All Development Foundation/OCHA