
Support Us

Donate now Resilient Communities Organization (RCO) reaches 10,000 households of most vulnerable in Yemen to current ongoing disastrous conflict in 2017. The needs are growing. Help us in reaching them.
You can help us reach even more people in need by making a donation to our emergency program, which allows the RCO to reach most people in need with life-saving emergency response. You can make a general or specific contribution to one of our programs response to enable us carrying out our work, in Yemen, where the needs are the greatest.

You can do the following:

Be our partners and join our efforts and leverage your network to support the implementation of our emergency response programs through fundraising:

  * As individual, group or commercial entity, you can do individuals or collective raising of funds by yourself or/and within your network of friends and family. Companies are appreciated to engage their employees or customers in fundraising are called to make a great difference and demonstrate their support of humanitarian emergencies simultaneously.

 * You may also, refer us to potential donors of your network and will be glad to be of help, and hand and hand alleviating the poor condition of the live of poor people.

 * As a donor, we are very glad to communicate seeing how to join our efforts and common goals sharing the concern of humanity.

The organization offers opportunities for young people by joining the volunteer unit in the organization and participating in various activities according to the wishes of the volunteers and according to the field in line with their voluntary tendencies.

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Success Stories

Out of Starvation They Die in Silence - a Humanitarian Story from Yemen

The malnutrition rates increased in Yemen exposing the life 80% of people who are at risk of famine due to the conflict and deteriorating economic situation. Mr. H. M., originally from Taiz, was a solider in the air force in Sana’a governorate. He got an accident, their air force staff was attacked by terrorist group after.. [ More... ]

Humanitarian Stories